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Jelisaveta Karađorđević: Stvaranje modne ikone
Percepcija istorijskih ličnosti nužno je uslovljena velikim istorijskim događajima kojima su te ličnosti svedočile. Grandiozne istorijske sekvence obeležene su herojskim narativima, koji često isključuju istoriju malih stvari – stvari koje neretko, kao pobuna, pišu velike istorije. Pobunu protiv pristajanja na datosti vremena i prostora kneginja Jelisaveta Karađorđević izrazila je kroz modu, eklektično spajajući tradiciju svog porekla sa kosmopolitskim duhom Zapada. Tako je kneginja vrlo samosvesno, ne dopuštajući okolnostima da je oblikuju, stvarala sopstveni modni izraz. Od fotografija Bitona, Avedona, Arbusove, do dizajna Kardena, Živonšija, Satvropolosa, Feragama, Herere, kneginja konstruiše sebe, naglašavajući kreativni potencijal mode kao ličnog odgovora na istorijska previranja. O kneginjinoj vezi sa modom govoriće istoričar mode i kustos Artis Centra, Stefan Žarić, stipendista IKOM-ovog Komiteta za Kostim.
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Elizabeth Karageorgevic: The Creation of a Fashion Icon
The perception of historical figures is inevitably conditioned by historical events those figures have witnessed. Grandiose historical sequences are marked by heroic narratives, which often exclude the history of little things – things that, as a form of rebellion, in fact write great histories. The rebellion against accepting the frameworks of time and space Princess Elizabeth Karageorgevic expressed through fashion, eclectically combining tradition of her origin with cosmopolitanism of the West. Thus the princess has, very self-consciously, created her own fashion expression, never allowing circumstances to define her. From photographs by Beaton, Avedon, Arbus, to designs by Carden, Givenchy, Stavropoluos, Ferragamo, Herrera, the princess constructs herself, accentuating the creative potential of fashion as a response to historical turmoil. The talk on the princess’ relation to fashion will be given by Stefan Žaric, Artis Center’s fashion curator and the grantee of ICOM Costume Committee.
@Artis Center 2019
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